“Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls”~Khalil Gibran

You feel like you’re suffocating. You’re tired of being covered in a fog of depression, worry, doubt, regret, shame and humiliation….you’re suffering. And when you’re not feeling this way, you feel out of place, or just plain out invisible. Something has totally broken your spirit. Maybe it was a failed relationship or some type of childhood trauma. Or it could have been rejection and negative critical words used by others to break you down mentally.

Everyday you wake up you hear your soul and spirit screaming and everyday the screams gets louder and louder. The real you is dying to get out. It wants to live out loud.

You feel you’re at a disadvantage right? But did you know suffering comes from desire and not from pain?

Did you know suffering also means to sustain–to be strengthened.

But lets be real, you’re tired of just being strong, you just can’t live like this anymore…..you want to be more and do more. You want to be FREE.

The truth is your pain is leading you to your purpose. EVERYTHING you’ve gone through is leading you to who you were born to be in this world.

You have your flaws (we all do) but you’re also intelligent, honest, wise, spiritual and compassionate. You’re very versatile and ingenious and you’ve had lots of successes and have many accomplishments to be proud of. You are indeed a virtuous woman, but you are still unsatisfied and feel lost. You’re ready to identify your true purpose and step fully into who you were really meant to be. 

But you see, the thing about a broken spirit it’s hard to fix on your own. You need direction on how to heal your soul and take all of those virtuous parts of you and make them powerful.

I have been exactly where you are and in the process of healing my heart mind and soul is where found my purpose. My mission in life is to help you heal, increase your virtue and uncover your God given purposes.

Together we will overcome everything that’s stopping you and you will become an unapologetic woman of virtue who knows how to use your God given gifts, talents and abilities to live the life God wants for you.